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GeoMedia is your partner for project development, strategic communication and capacity development. Our core competence lies in the field of environment and in supporting international co-operation processes from the global to the local level. Our business is to help governments, communities, academia and the private sector run their businesses sustainably. Together.
- Auguststrasse 29 | 53229 Bonn
- +49 (0)228-90966-20
- info[at]geo-media.de
What we do
We create synergies for sustainable development
GeoMedia offers expert advice on global environmental protection, sustainable development and international cooperation. In implementation, we foster collaboration processes among state, private sector and civil society actors at local, national and international level, and support programme and financial planning. We conceptualise and organise multi-stakeholder processes and dialogues, support equitable value chain development, manage virtual platforms, and develop communication strategies. In complement to this and more we offer a wide array of media products – from simple flyers to complex films.
From local to global
We’ve worked for 30 years in international cooperation for sustainable development. Grassroots-oriented projects in developing countries are as familiar to us as public-private partnerships and the (inter-)national Agenda 2030 processes. See examples …
Biodiversity is particularly close to our hearts. We are familiar with all related international agreements and connected to the relevant institutions. We know the processes and the substance, from negotiations to implementation. See examples …
ABS has been in our focus since 2005. We support relevant bodies and stakeholders at all levels in creating ABS systems and partnerships, developing ABS-compliant research and value chains, and realising global dialogues on DSI. See examples …
Communication, education and public awareness (CEPA) are cornerstones of our company. Over the years we’ve become ever more sophisticated. From flyers and posters we’ve come to global multistakeholder events – and everything in between to communicate complex issues. See examples …
Creative and competent
We offer expert advice related to natural resource governance and management, strategy development, business models and value chains, legal systems, stakeholder involvement, and the mechanisms of international negotiations. See examples …
With our broad network, we help our clients to strengthen and extend their own strategic partnerships: with and among international, national and local institutions, NGOs, science, experts, media and the private sector. See examples …
We support development projects and initiatives with situational analyses, stakeholder mapping, strategic and operational planning, developing and implementing activities, evaluation and communication of results. See examples …
We support our clients and partners in developing communication strategies and structures, as well as products and events, to reach out to and interact with a diversity of target groups. See examples …
Informative and effective
High-impact communication is a two-way process. We design, organise and facilitate multi-stakeholder dialogues, panels and specialist trainings, and conceptualise public awareness campaigns such as action days or exhibitions. See examples …
We conceptualise and implement digital multi-stakeholder exchanges, and help set up effective online platforms. Together with our in-house partner Media Company we offer attractive web design with meaningful content. See examples …
From studies and reports, to brochures and flyers, to posters and infografics: We draft the content and provide pictures from our extensive North-South archive, our in-house partner Media Company designs the appealing layout. See examples …
We offer filmed documentaries on specific topics or events, as well as short ‚Simply explained‘ videos on complex issues such as climate change, ABS or DSI. Nature and People are always in the spotlight. See examples …
Our focus:
ABS Initiative
Ever since GeoMedia was established, we have been building and expanding our professional network. For excellent results we collaborate closely – depending on the specific assignment – with experts from a range of different fields, at home and abroad. Through well-maintained working contacts we have access to a broad variety of local, national and international organisations, ministries, media and the private sector. Our network is part of us – and we are part of our network.
Results-oriented co-operation is our priority
Ever since GeoMedia was established, we have been building and expanding our professional network. For excellent results we collaborate closely – depending on the specific assignment – with experts from a range of different fields, at home and abroad. Through well-maintained working relations we have access to a broad variety of local, national and international organisations, ministries, media and the private sector. Our network is part of us – and we are part of our network.
committed to a cooperative, equitable and sustainable world
Our clients are as diverse as our services and competences. For us, they include the public and private institutions that fund our work as well as the projects and target groups for which we provide our services. What they all have in common with us is a commitment to a cooperative, equitable and sustainable world.
Who we are
We combine expertise with a passion for collaboration
Established in 1994, GeoMedia is a small consultancy with a large and diverse network of experts. Our core competence lies in international co-operation for a more sustainable future – as geographers, economists, lawyers, biologists, communication experts and more. For us, collaboration means continuously nurturing each other's knowledge and experience. Our clients benefit from our broad professional expertise, our creativity and flexibility, and our solution-oriented thinking.
Team Office Bonn
Suhel al-Janabi
Managing director
Suhel is the founder and CEO of GeoMedia. He is a seasoned expert on the Convention on Biological Diversity and its Nagoya Protocol, from global negotiations to local implementation. His focus is on value-chain development, particularly in Africa and the MENA region. He has been co-manager of the ABS Capacity Development Initiative since its foundation in 2005. Suhel studied geography, ecology and economics. He has since been working for a broad range of national and international organisations.
Contact: s.aljanabi [at] geo-media.de
Anna Lena Di Carlo
Senior advisor
Anna Lena's expertise includes integrated landscape management, local community development and multi-stakeholder participation. Being fluent in five languages, she currently focuses on advising francophone countries on biodiversity conservation and ABS. Anna Lena studied political sciences, peace and conflict studies and resource management, and holds a PhD in environmental sciences. Earlier positions include lecturing at the Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí and working for GIZ in Mexico.
Contact: l.dicarlo [at] geo-media.de
Eva Fenster
Senior advisor
Eva holds a Master of Laws and has, as former staff of GIZ, rich experience in international cooperation. She has lived and worked in the Americas, Asia, Africa and Europe. Her expertise includes the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Nagoya Protocol and the 2030 Agenda. Eva contributes to policy concepts and multistakeholder processes, on the spot and virtually. Further she is in charge of legal issues, managing international events and technical publications in German, English and French.
Contact: e.fenster [at] geo-media.de
Andreas has long-standing expertise with the national implementation of the 3rd objective of the Convention on Biological Diversity and its Nagoya Protocol on ABS in Africa, Asia, and the Pacific. With ABS appearing on the international agenda in the late 1990s he focused on national and regional policy and regulatory processes including stakeholder participation. Andreas has been the founder of the ABS Capacity Development Initiative in 2005 and its manager until his retirement in 2021. Holding a PhD in natural sciences Andreas studied biology and physical geography. He started his professional career as a consultant for natural resource management related GIZ projects in Asia, Middle East, and Africa.
Agathe Pieper
Back office
Agathe is responsible for finance and accounting at GeoMedia and provides support in personnel and administrative matters. She is a trained accountant.
Contact: a.pieper [at] geo-media.de
Extended team worldwide
Negotiation / Implementation of Global Sustainable Development Treaties; International Diplomacy and Law; Strategic Foresight; Policy Coherence.
Indigenous peoples and local communities; Traditional knowledge; Genetic resources and sustainable value chains; Community development.
Biodiversity-based value chains; R&D analysis; SME support; Market access.
Applied R&D in diverse natural resources sectors; Risk appraisal & management; Sustainable finance; SME Development.
International processes (CBD, FAO, ITPGRFA, BBNJ); Advisor for ABS-compliant value chains and national implementation.
International cooperation; Communication strategies; Campaigning; Public relations; Public affairs.
Agenda 2030 / SDGs; Strategic communication; Organisational development; Text concept and editing.
Law and legal studies; Intellectual property; Legal and contractual aspects of international treaties and conventions; Contract and other legal trainings.
Data science and analytics, big data and artificial intelligence; Permit and monitoring system design and architecture; International processes (CBD, WIPO, FAO, UNCLOS).
International processes (CBD, UNFCCC, FAO, ITPGRFA, WIPO); ABS and biotrade concepts; Biodiversity-based value chains.
Strategic communication; Audio / video / text concept and editing.
GeoMedia proudly presents ...
Throughout the decades, we have accomplished many successful projects. For a first impression, the highlights below showcase selected examples from different fields of our work. Many further examples can be found in the section 'What we do' under the topics, services and products that we offer.