From studies and reports, to brochures and flyers, to posters and infografics: We draft the content and provide pictures from our extensive North-South archive, our in-house partner Media Company designs the appealing layout.
Here are a few examples of our work:
Brochure on the occasion of the official launch of the GIZ-managed project „BioInnovation Africa“ with then Minister for Economic Co-operation and Development Mr. Gerd Müller.
Discussion paper
Discussion paper on ABS implementation options. Commissioned by the ABS Capacity Development Initiative to help countries decide on basic choices for implementing the Nagoya Protocol at national level.
Report on international ABS Dialogue held on the German island of Vilm. The dialogue was commissioned by the German Agency for Nature Protection (BfN) and conceptualised and facilitated by GeoMedia.
Posterbook on local contributions to the UN Millenium Development Goals, published jointly by GIZ (then GTZ), BMZ and UNDP. The posters were created using a digital tool developed by GeoMedia and MediaCompany that allowed countries, regions or local groups to fill the basic layout with their own content and images.