GeoMedia offers filmed documentaries on specific topics or events, as well as short ‚Simply explained‘ videos on complex issues such as climate change, ABS or DSI. Nature and People are always in the spotlight. Our wide network of collaboration partners includes professional film makers and public media. GeoMedia provides the substance, the examples and the contacts. Our partners stage the content graphically and cinematically. Together we design the storyboards, provide for quality control, and ensure targeted publication.
Selected examples of our work:
Educational videos
We’ve already produced many short educational films – often called ‚Erklärix‘ in German, or ‚Simply explained video‘ in English. In cooperation with our clients, and together with our partners, we select the contents to be covered, develop the storyboards and help ensure consistency as well as simplicity of understanding for the viewers.
Our network of professional film makers allows us to also support production of short or longer documentaries. Together with our clients and partners we define the content and the examples to be covered, provide the contacts and ensure quality control.