Biodiversity is particularly close to our hearts – and always on our minds. We are familiar with all related international agreements and connected to the relevant institutions. We know the processes and the substance, from negotiations to implementation.
Some examples of our work are:
Communicating CBD implementation
In intervals of about 10 years, the parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) agree on strategic goals and targets. The goal for 2010 was a significant reduction of biodiversity loss and came with 11 specific targets. The 2011-2020 Strategic Plan for Biodiversity included 16 „Aichi targets“ and provided an overarching framework for the entire United Nations system.
Based on our knowledge of regional and global CBD processes and our wide experiences in local and national implementation, GeoMedia was asked to support implementation efforts with suitable communication tools. One very successful example was an interactive online poster tool, which we programmed on behalf of GIZ and in cooperation with the CBD secretariat.
The tool allowed entities at different levels to communicate their implementation approaches. For example, local authorities used the tool to present participatory approaches to biodiversity conservation. National administrations showcased National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs). Regional organisations visualised their strategic transboundary approaches to biodiversity. Geomedia supported poster owners with conceptual input as well as technical advice.
A poster session for the 2010 biodiversity targets was launched at the opening reception of the 2nd Meeting of the CBD Working Group on the Review of the Implementation (WGRI) in July 2007 at UNESCO headquarters in Paris. Further information and PDF-downloads of more than 25 posters from that session can be accessed on the CBD Website via this link.
A poster exhibition for the 2020 Aichi targets was included in the CEPA Fair of CBD COP 13 in 2016 in Cancun, Mexico, where more than 35 posters were presented. Further information and downloads of all posters from that exhibition are available on the CBD Website via this link.