Fostering collaboration
With our broad network, we help our clients to strengthen and extend their own strategic partnerships: with and among international, national and local institutions, NGOs, science, experts, media and the private sector. Selected examples of our work are: Promoting equitable African-European business partnerships in Madagascar GeoMedia and the Union for Ethical BioTrade (UEBT) are consortium […]
Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity
Biodiversity is particularly close to our hearts – and always on our minds. We are familiar with all related international agreements and connected to the relevant institutions. We know the processes and the substance, from negotiations to implementation. Some examples of our work are: Communicating CBD implementation In intervals of about 10 years, the parties […]
Project and process management
We support development projects and initiatives with situational analyses, stakeholder mapping, strategic and operational planning, developing and implementing activities, evaluation and communication of results. Examples of our work are: Implementing ‚BioInnovation Africa‘ Since the summer of 2019, GeoMedia and our partner UEBT have been supporting GIZ in managing and implementing „BioInnovation Africa“. The project promotes […]
We conceptualise and implement digital multi-stakeholder exchanges, and help set up effective online platforms. Together with our in-house partner Media Company we offer attractive web design with meaningful content. Some examples of our work are: Webinar series: Implementing the Nagoya Protocol Like many others, when the Covid-19 pandemic hit the world in spring 2020, GeoMedia […]
Specialist consulting
We offer expert advice related to natural resource governance and management, strategy development, business models and value chains, legal systems, stakeholder involvement, and the mechanisms of international negotiations. These are examples of our work: ABS-compliant value chain development Setting and using economic incentives is a key element of any public or private strategy to conserve […]
From studies and reports, to brochures and flyers, to posters and infografics: We draft the content and provide pictures from our extensive North-South archive, our in-house partner Media Company designs the appealing layout. Here are a few examples of our work: Brochure Brochure on the occasion of the official launch of the GIZ-managed project „BioInnovation […]
Strategic communication
We support our clients and partners in developing communication strategies and structures, as well as products and events, to reach out to and interact with a diversity of target groups. Examples of our work are: Agenda 2030 in Germany: Communication strategy for BMZ In 2017/18, GeoMedia and our in-house partner MediaCompany developed an integrated communication […]
Sustainable Development
We’ve worked for 30 years in international cooperation for sustainable development. Since the mid-1990s, GeoMedia has accompanied and advised in processes on all three Rio Conventions – Biodiversity, Climate Change and Desertification – as well as international fora such as the UN Forum on Forests (UNFF). Grassroots-oriented projects in developing countries are as familiar to […]
Communication, Education and Public Awareness
Communication is a cornerstone of our company. Over the years we’ve become ever more sophisticated. From flyers and posters we’ve come to global multistakeholder events – and everything in between to communicate complex issues. Some selected examples of our work: Strategic communication guide for ABS In 2012, GeoMedia and our in-house partner MediaCompany produced a […]
High-impact communication is a two-way process. We design, organise and facilitate multi-stakeholder dialogues, panels and specialist trainings, and conceptualise public awareness campaigns such as action days or exhibitions. Here are some examples of our work: ABS & Business Dialogues, South Africa and Denmark To support the international negotiations for an international ABS regime, GeoMedia organised […]